We are a 501(c)(3) Organization, so all donations are tax advantaged.
Venmo User: @TRAILSInc

PayPal user: TRAILS Inc.

By Check
Upon receipt we will send you a thank you letter and a tax-deductible donation receipt.
Make any checks payable to TRAILS Inc.
PO Box 1386
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Action Fund
Our Action Fund is what we use to construct our trails. If you want to be part of that effort, please donate to this fund.
In order to push the Iowa River’s Edge Trail from where it ends today at Radio Tower Road on the Northeast side of Marshalltown, we will need to raise and estimated $11,000,000. We have a lot of difficult terrain and many miles. Every bit helps.
If you, your family, or foundation is interested in large gifts to help complete this project, please email [email protected] to discuss options.
Donate to our Action Fund via the Community Foundation of Marshall County website.
Future Fund
Our Future Fund is for the long-term maintenance of all trails and trail facilities in Marshall County, Iowa. Donations to this endowed fund have generous tax advantages for the giver.
Please email us or contact the Community Foundation of Marshall County (link) directly for more information on tax benefits.
Donate to our Future Fund via the Community Foundation of Marshall County website.
Donation of Assets or Securities
We will accept nearly any donation of stocks, bonds, grain, cars, RVs, etc. These types of donations have nice tax advantages.
Please email [email protected] for more information.